We make the following declarations in response to seven of the 17 targets of the SDGs

3.Health and well-being for all
We aim to become a sustainable company through various types of employee training based on Mission 10 of Breakthrough 75 forward, with the entire company working together.

7.Energy for all and clean.
Based on Breakthrough 75 of Mission 10, we reduce resource and energy consumption through continuous quality improvement and by reducing quality losses to the absolute minimum.

8.Job satisfaction and economic growth.
We will constantly promote culture and awareness reforms, and work to create a rewarding work environment and develop a diverse workforce.

9.Build the foundations for industry and technological innovation
We will contribute to solving social issues by boldly taking up the challenge of innovative technology, such as the oil-free hinges of our mainstay products, including the disaster countermeasure product Mg:air and the environmental hygiene product Futasuke, which are in new technological fields. We will contribute to solving social issues.

11.Creating towns where people can continue to live
We contribute to society and the economy by helping to resolve issues faced by the regions of our overseas production sites and business partners through our business activities.

12.Responsibility to create and use
Through the activities described in paragraphs 9 and 11 above, we will promote efficiency and energy efficiency in all processes and aim to realise a low-carbon, decarbonised society.

13.Taking concrete measures to tackle climate change
Together with paragraph 12 above, we will promote electricity saving and operational efficiency at all our sites and strive to reduce CO₂.